The Two Rum Chicks Rating Scale
The Story
Rating scales are a traditional part of most review based sites, but they can be difficult to understand. Some seem to be based on popularity or price, others just seem a bit wanky.... and since something like “taste” is so subjective, most rating systems aren’t really broadly applicable to an audience who will have their own individual likes, dislikes, budgets and product availability which will obviously influence their buying decisions.
Taking all of that into consideration, we at Two Rum Chicks have come up with our own tongue in cheek rating scale. We were at a tasting about a year ago now where an ester and funk filled Jamaican rum was one of the offerings. One taster commented that this was “a rum for hand to hand combat” and the Rum Chick Rating Scale was born!
We rate our rums based on how hard we would fight each other for the last measure in the bottle. Would there be hand to hand combat? Or would we willingly hand over the bottle?
Our scale from favorite to least favorite is:
This Is War!
Knock Down Drag Out Fight
A Bit of a Scuffle
I Don’t Want to Fight
Meh, You Can Have It